Daniel Mihail ŞANDRU, The fairness principle in personal data processing, Law Review, 1/2020

Daniel Mihail ŞANDRU, The fairness principle in personal data processing, Law Review, Volume X, Issue 1, January-June, 2020.

SSRN – full article

The principle of fairness in processing personal data, kept from the previous regulation, is liable to gain new meanings following the burden placed on the operator to prove its observance. The study aims at outlining the meaning and content of the principle of equity and its role in dispute resolution as well as in the practical workings of the controller, according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679/EU.

Daniel-Mihail Sandru – relevant activities in the field of personal data protection

link to dataprotection – bibliografii, surse, reviste, metodologia cercetarii


Daniel-Mihail Șandru, The Fairness Principle in Personal Data Processing, in “Law Review” vol. X, issue 1/2020, p. 67 citat in Nicoleta Maria Cristolovean, REFLECTIONS ON PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING THAT IS NECESSARY FOR THE ENTERING OR PERFORMANCE OF A CONTRACT, Jus et civitas, nr. 2/2021, p. 37